
Job, His Wife and Friends

Rembrandt - Job, His Wife and Friends

Job, His Wife and Friends
c. 1648-50
132 x 155 mm
Pen and bistre
Private collection


Benesch 628

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt Man in a Small Cap, Wrapped in His Coat
Man in a Small Cap, Wrapped in His Coat
c. 1635

Rembrandt Group of three elephants
Group of three elephants
c. 1637

Rembrandt Study of a Woman
Study of a Woman
c. 1646

Rembrandt Ascension of Christ
Ascension of Christ
c. 1650-51

Rembrandt Tobias Disembowelling the Fish
Tobias Disembowelling the Fish
c. 1653