Eugène Delacroix

Panoramic View of the Vallée de la Tourmente

Eugène Delacroix - Panoramic View of the Vallée de la Tourmente

Eugène Delacroix
Panoramic View of the Vallée de la Tourmente
210 x 263 mm
Watercolour on paper
Louvre, Paris, Département des Arts Graphiques


1998 Delacroix: The Late Work, Nr. 41

Other works by Eugène Delacroix

Eugène Delacroix Heads of Arabs
Heads of Arabs

Eugène Delacroix Two studies of a Moorish musician
Two studies of a Moorish musician

Eugène Delacroix Christ Before Pilate
Christ Before Pilate

Eugène Delacroix Flower Bed with Hydrangeas, Scillas, and Anemones
Flower Bed with Hydrangeas, Scillas, and Anemones
1849 (?)

Eugène Delacroix Boats Aground on a Riverbank
Boats Aground on a Riverbank