Mary Cassatt

Two Mothers and their Children in a Boat

Mary Cassatt - Two Mothers and their Children in a Boat

Mary Cassatt
Two Mothers and their Children in a Boat
98.7 x 129 cm
Oil on canvas
Musée du Petit Palais, Paris


Nancy Mowll Mathews (ed.), Cassatt, 1996, plate 115

Other works by Mary Cassatt

Mary Cassatt Lydia at a Tapestry Frame
Lydia at a Tapestry Frame
c. 1881

Mary Cassatt After the Bath
After the Bath
c. 1901

Mary Cassatt Children Playing with a Dog
Children Playing with a Dog

Mary Cassett Sara with a Dark Bonnet
Sara with a Dark Bonnet

Mary Cassatt Women Admiring a Child
Women Admiring a Child