Cornelis Troost

Portrait of Jeronimus Tonneman and His Son, Jeronimus: 'The Dilettanti'

Cornelis Troost - Portrait of Jeronimus Tonneman and His Son, Jeronimus: 'The Dilettanti'

Cornelis Troost
Portrait of Jeronimus Tonneman and His Son, Jeronimus: 'The Dilettanti'
68 x 58 cm
Oil on panel
National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin


Homan Potterton, Dutch seventeenth and eighteenth century paintings in the National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, 1986, pp. 155-156, fig. 161


Jeronimus Tonneman the Younger
by descent to his daughter Mrs. P.H. de la Court
thence by descent
coll. Douaire de la Court-Ram, Utrecht, 1894
J. van Citters sale, Christie's, 12 June 1899, lot 78
bt. Dowdeswell
coll. Ward, London
S. Richards, London
from whom purchased by The National Gallery of Ireland, 1909

Other works by Cornelis Troost

Cornelis Troost Portrait of Floris Drabbe
Portrait of Floris Drabbe

Cornelis Troost Harlequin, Magician and Barber: the Deceived Rivals
Harlequin, Magician and Barber: the Deceived Rivals

Cornelis Troost Jan Claasz. or the Supposed Servant Girl: Reinier Adriaansz.'s Declaration of Love
Jan Claasz. or the Supposed Servant Girl: Reinier Adriaansz.'s Declaration of Love

Cornelis Troost Jan Claasz. or the Supposed Servant Girl: the Marriage Proposal to Saartje Jans
Jan Claasz. or the Supposed Servant Girl: the Marriage Proposal to Saartje Jans

Cornelis Troost Jan Claasz. or the Supposed Servant Girl: the Discovery of Jan Claasz.
Jan Claasz. or the Supposed Servant Girl: the Discovery of Jan Claasz.