Anthony van Dyck

The Healing of the Paralytic

Anthony van Dyck - The Healing of the Paralytic

Anthony van Dyck
The Healing of the Paralytic
c. 1618-20
130 x 359 cm
Oil on canvas
Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Staatsgalerie, Neuburg an der Donau


Catalogues raisonnés
Barnes I.10

Alejandro Vergara and Friso Lammertse (eds.), The Young Van Dyck, New York, NY, 2013, fig. 82

Other works by Anthony van Dyck

Anthony van Dyck Lucas van Uffel
Lucas van Uffel
ca. 1622

Anthony van Dyck Robert Rich, Second Earl of Warwick
Robert Rich, Second Earl of Warwick
c. 1632-35

Anthony van Dyck Portrait of a Woman, Called the Marchesa Durazzo
Portrait of a Woman, Called the Marchesa Durazzo
probably c. 1622-25

Anthony van Dyck Saint Rosalie Interceding for the Plague-stricken of Palermo
Saint Rosalie Interceding for the Plague-stricken of Palermo

Attributed to Anthony van Dyck A Man Mounting a Horse
A Man Mounting a Horse
c. 1630