Arnold Boonen

Nicolaes Listingh

Arnold Boonen - Nicolaes Listingh

Arnold Boonen
Nicolaes Listingh
52.5 x 44.5 cm
Oil on canvas
Amsterdam Museum, Amsterdam


Norbert E. Middelkoop, De oude meesters van de stad Amsterdam, Bussum - Amsterdam, 2008, pp. 162-163

Other works by Arnold Boonen

Arnold Boonen Young Violin Player
Young Violin Player

Arnold Boonen The Governors of the Oudezijds Huiszittenhuis
The Governors of the Oudezijds Huiszittenhuis

Arnold Boonen Portrait of Jan van Huysum
Portrait of Jan van Huysum

Arnold Boonen Portrait of a Lady
Portrait of a Lady

Attributed to Arnold Boonen A young man in a blue coat with a violin
A young man in a blue coat with a violin