
The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Jan Deijman

Rembrandt - The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Jan Deijman

The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Jan Deijman
110 x 133 mm
Pen in grey and black
Amsterdam Museum, Amsterdam

Anatomy lesson

Related works

Rembrandt - The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Johan Deyman
The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Johan Deyman


Catalogues raisonnés
Benesch 1175
Schatborn D646

Collection catalogues
Peter Schatborn, Tekeningen van / Drawings by Rembrandt in het / in the Rijksmuseum, 's-Gravenhage, 1985, nr. 45

Norbert E. Middelkoop, De oude meesters van de stad Amsterdam, Bussum - Amsterdam, 2008, p. 119
Ernst van de Wetering, Rembrandt in nieuw licht, Amsterdam, 2009, fig. 256
Norbert Middelkoop (ed.), Rembrandt and Amsterdam portraiture, 1590-1670, Madrid, 2020, fig. 104


2014 Rembrandt: The Late Works, Nr. 28
1969 Rembrandt 1669/1969, Nr. 124

External links

RKD 257960

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt Vertumnus and Pomona
Vertumnus and Pomona
c. 1643-44

Rembrandt The Parable of the Unworthy Wedding Guest
The Parable of the Unworthy Wedding Guest
c. 1648-49

Rembrandt Christ Calling Matthew as Apostle
Christ Calling Matthew as Apostle
c. 1637-39

Rembrandt Soldier on Horseback Blowing a Trumpet
Soldier on Horseback Blowing a Trumpet
c. 1627-28

Rembrandt Self-portrait