William Merritt Chase

Nude Female Figure

William Merritt Chase - Nude Female Figure

William Merritt Chase
Nude Female Figure
190 x 152 mm
Monotype on paper
Indianapolis Museum of Art
Mary B. Milliken Fund


Catalogues raisonnés
Ronald G. Pisano, William Merritt Chase. The complete catalogue of known and documented work by William Merritt Chase (1849-1916) , New Haven and London, 2006, M.27

Other works by William Merritt Chase

William Merritt Chase After Constantine Troyon's
After Constantine Troyon's "Cattle"

William Merritt Chase Portrait of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Portrait of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

William Merritt Chase Daniel Tredwell (State I)
Daniel Tredwell (State I)
c. 1881

William Merritt Chase Self-Portrait Wearing a Hat
Self-Portrait Wearing a Hat

William Merritt Chase Spanish Peasant
Spanish Peasant
c. 1881