
Jacob Is Shown Joseph's Blood-stained Coat

Rembrandt - Jacob Is Shown Joseph's Blood-stained Coat

Jacob Is Shown Joseph's Blood-stained Coat
c. 1656-57
162 x 220 mm
Pen and bistre, wash
Louis C.G. Clarke, Cambridge


Benesch 1020

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt Farm-House Beneath Trees
Farm-House Beneath Trees
c. 1652

Rembrandt David Bidden by the Prophet Gad
David Bidden by the Prophet Gad
c. 1655

Rembrandt View of Diemen
View of Diemen
c. 1650

Rembrandt Farm-Buildings Amidst Trees
Farm-Buildings Amidst Trees
c. 1656-57

Rembrandt God Appearing to Abraham
God Appearing to Abraham
c. 1660-62