
Seated Female Nude

Rembrandt - Seated Female Nude

Seated Female Nude
c. 1654-56
263 x 200 mm
Pen and olive grey brown bistre, wash with Indian Ink
Victoria and Albert Museum, London


Benesch 1123

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt An Old and a Young Woman in Discussion
An Old and a Young Woman in Discussion
c. 1642

Rembrandt Bust of a Man
Bust of a Man
c. 1642-43

Rembrandt View over het IJ
View over het IJ
c. 1650-51

Rembrandt The Bend in the Amstel River
The Bend in the Amstel River
c. 1651-52

Rembrandt Farmstead
c. 1652-53