
The Arrest of Christ

Rembrandt - The Arrest of Christ

The Arrest of Christ
c. 1659-60
205 x 298 mm
Pen and bistre, wash
Nationalmuseum, Stockholm


Benesch 1044

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt A Woman Lying Awake in Bed
A Woman Lying Awake in Bed
c. 1635-40

Rembrandt The Prodigal Son with the Loose Women
The Prodigal Son with the Loose Women
c. 1642-43

Rembrandt Study of a Man Seen From Behind
Study of a Man Seen From Behind
c. 1629

Rembrandt The Reading
The Reading
c. 1631

Rembrandt The Angel Departs from Manoah and His Wife
The Angel Departs from Manoah and His Wife
c. 1639