Rembrandt School

The Wicked Servant is Delivered to the Tormentors

Rembrandt School - The Wicked Servant is Delivered to the Tormentors

Rembrandt School
The Wicked Servant is Delivered to the Tormentors
c. 1655-56
143 x 140 mm
Pen and bistre
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam


Benesch 990 (as Rembrandt)

External links

Museum Boijmans van Beumingen, Rotterdam Accession number R 102 (PK)

Other works by Rembrandt

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Bearded Man in Profile
c. 1645

Rembrandt David Taking Leave of Jonathan
David Taking Leave of Jonathan
c. 1650

Rembrandt Jacob Is Shown Joseph's Blood-stained Coat
Jacob Is Shown Joseph's Blood-stained Coat
c. 1655-56

Rembrandt Lion Resting
Lion Resting
c. 1651-52

Rembrandt Man and Woman in Discussion
Man and Woman in Discussion
c. 1635