
The Ark of Noah

Rembrandt - The Ark of Noah

The Ark of Noah
c. 1659-60
199 x 243 mm
Pen and bistre, wash
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago


Catalogues raisonnés
Benesch 1045
Schatborn D159

External links

RKD 258958
Art Institute Chicago Accession number 1953.36

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt Two Men in Discussion, a Third Listening
Two Men in Discussion, a Third Listening
c. 1637

Rembrandt A Woman Teaching a Child to Stand
A Woman Teaching a Child to Stand
c. 1635-37

Rembrandt The Montelbaanstoren in Amsterdam
The Montelbaanstoren in Amsterdam
c. 1652-53

Rembrandt Abraham and the Angel
Abraham and the Angel
c. 1636-37

Rembrandt Judith has Holofernes' Head Put into a Sack
Judith has Holofernes' Head Put into a Sack
c. 1638-39