Piet Mondriaan

Bend in the Gein with Row of Eleven Poplars IV

Piet Mondriaan - Bend in the Gein with Row of Eleven Poplars IV

Piet Mondriaan
Bend in the Gein with Row of Eleven Poplars IV
45 x 66 cm
Oil on canvas
Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Hague


Catalogues raisonnés
Robert Welsh, Piet Mondrian Catalogue Raisonné, New York, 1998, A488

Collection catalogues
Hans Janssen, Mondrian, Den Haag, 2008, 27, pp. 75-79

Marcel van Ool, Mondriaan, Amsterdam, 2017, fig. 19


2019 Mondrian figuratif

External links

RKD 267536

Other works by Piet Mondrian

Piet Mondriaan Irrigation Ditch with Mature Willow
Irrigation Ditch with Mature Willow
c. 1900

Piet Mondriaan Oostzijdse Mill, Horizontal Oil Sketch with Brownish-Gray Sky
Oostzijdse Mill, Horizontal Oil Sketch with Brownish-Gray Sky
c. 1906-07

Piet Mondrian Tableau No. VII, with Blue, Yellow, Black, and Red
Tableau No. VII, with Blue, Yellow, Black, and Red

Piet Mondriaan Farmstead under Oak Trees III
Farmstead under Oak Trees III

Piet Mondriaan The White Bull Calf
The White Bull Calf