Judith Leyster

Merry Company

Judith Leyster - Merry Company

Judith Leyster
Merry Company
c. 1629
74.4 x 62.9 cm.
Oil on canvas
Sale Christie's, London, 6 December 2018


Catalogues raisonnés
Frima Fox Hofrichter, Judith Leyster, Doornspijk, 1989, nr. 9 info

Anna Tummers (ed.), Celebrating in the Golden Age, Haarlem, 2011, p. 46, fig. 4
Ariane van Suchtelen, Dutch self-portraits of the Golden Age, Zwolle, 2015, p. 68, fig. 1


Sir George Donaldson, London, circa 1903
Frederick Muller & Co., Amsterdam, April 1908
with Thomas Agnew & Sons, London, 1910
R.W. Pettigrew
sale Christie's, London, 8 February 1929, nr. 129 (175 gns. to Wiss)
M. van den Honert, Blaricum, and by descent to the following,
Dr. and Mrs. P.L. Galjart, Soest, by 1984, until 1986
with P. de Boer, Amsterdam, 1987
with Noortman, London and Maastricht, 6 January 1988, from whom acquired
sale Christie's, London, Important Old Master Paintings from The Eric Albada Jelgersma Collection, 6 December 2018, nr.12

External links

RKD 198761

Other works by Judith Leyster

Judith Leyster Carousing Couple
Carousing Couple

Judith Leyster Tulip

Judith Leyster Children with a Cat and an Eel
Children with a Cat and an Eel

Judith Leyster Concert

Judith Leyster Still Life
Still Life
c. 1635/40