
Christ as Gardener Appearing to the Magdalen

Rembrandt - Christ as Gardener Appearing to the Magdalen

Christ as Gardener Appearing to the Magdalen
c. 1651
155 x 210 mm
Pen and bistre, some corrections in white body-colour
Louvre, Paris


Benesch 869a


1988 Rembrandt et son école, Nr. 73

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt St. Peter's Prayer Before the Raising of Tabitha
St. Peter's Prayer Before the Raising of Tabitha
c. 1654-55

Rembrandt Standing woman
Standing woman

Rembrandt A Woman Lying in Bed
A Woman Lying in Bed
c. 1635-40

Rembrandt Nathan Admonishing David
Nathan Admonishing David
c. 1654-55

Rembrandt Study for the Figure of Christ Praying on the Mount of Olives
Study for the Figure of Christ Praying on the Mount of Olives
c. 1635