
The annunciation

Rembrandt - The annunciation

The annunciation
c. 1651-52
272 x 288 mm
Pen and wash in bistre, white bodycolour
Albertina, Vienna


Benesch 1371

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt Two Studies of the Little Rumbartus Asleep
Two Studies of the Little Rumbartus Asleep
c. 1635

Rembrandt Group of Musicians Listening to a Flute Player
Group of Musicians Listening to a Flute Player
c. 1635

Rembrandt Susanna at the Bath, and the Two Elders
Susanna at the Bath, and the Two Elders
c. 1637

Rembrandt Hagar Kneeling Before the Angel
Hagar Kneeling Before the Angel
c. 1649-50

Rembrandt The Return of the Prodigal Son
The Return of the Prodigal Son
c. 1656-57