Edgar Degas

Bather drying her legs

Edgar Degas - Bather drying her legs

Edgar Degas
Bather drying her legs
c. 1900-05
69 x 36 cm
Charcoal and pastel on tracing paper
Private collection


Paul-André Lemoisne, Degas et son oeuvre, Paris,, 1946-48 - nr. 1383


1996 Degas beyond impressionism, Nr. 14

Other works by Edgar Degas

Edgar Degas Houses beside the sea
Houses beside the sea

Edgar Degas Washerwomen and Horses
Washerwomen and Horses
c. 1904

Edgar Degas Three Women at the Races
Three Women at the Races
c. 1885

Edgar Degas Beside the sea
Beside the sea

Edgar Degas Beside the sea
Beside the sea