Cornelis van Poelenburch - Danaë

Cornelis van Poelenburch
26 x 34.1 cm
Oil on panel
Castletown, Kilkenny, Ireland


Catalogues raisonnés
Sluijter-Seijffert 112

Friso Lammertse and Jaap van der Veen, Uylenburgh & Son, Zwolle, 2006, fig. 208

Other works by Cornelis van Poelenburch

Cornelis van Poelenburch Gathering of gods in the clouds
Gathering of gods in the clouds
c. 1630

Cornelis van Poelenburch The Adoration of the Magi
The Adoration of the Magi

Cornelis van Poelenburch St. Christopher
St. Christopher
c. 1620

Cornelis van Poelenburch The Rest on the Flight into Egypt
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt
c. 1650-60

Cornelis van Poelenburgh Figures Dancing near a Ruin
Figures Dancing near a Ruin
c. 1624