Frans Hals

Portrait of a Man

Frans Hals - Portrait of a Man

Frans Hals
Portrait of a Man
20 x 14.2 cm
oil on copper
Gemäldegalerie, Berlin


Catalogues raisonnés
Seymour Slive, Frans Hals, London, 1970-72, nr. 48
Claus Grimm, Frans Hals, Stuttgart, 1989, as Imitator of Frans Hals

Collection catalogues
Gemäldegalerie Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, Berlin, 1975, p. 194

Other works by Frans Hals

Frans Hals Mr. Bodolphe
Mr. Bodolphe

Frans Hals Portrait of a standing man
Portrait of a standing man

Frans Hals Portrait of a Young Man
Portrait of a Young Man

Frans Hals Nicolaes Woutersz. van der Meer
Nicolaes Woutersz. van der Meer

Frans Hals Portrait of a standing woman
Portrait of a standing woman