Hubert Robert

The Dance

Hubert Robert - The Dance

Hubert Robert
The Dance
173.4 x 85.4 cm
Oil on canvas
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1917


Charles Philippe, comte d'Artois, château de Bagatelle, near Paris, until 1789
at Bagatelle, nationalized by the Assemblée and incorporated into the commune of Neuilly by spring 1792, 1789-96
Claude Leuthereau, Bagatelle, 1796-97
André Lhéritier and a consortium of investors, Bagatelle, 1797
André Lhéritier and the Société des Entrepreneurs de Fêtes, 1797-1806
at Bagatelle, which was purchased by Napoleon's Administration des Domaines in 1806
sale, Hôtel de Bullion, Paris, Clisorius and Masson jeune, 4 April 1808, nr. 151 to ?Brunot
?with Jacques Nicolas Brunot, from 1808
Pierre Justin Armand Verdier, comte de Flaux, château de Flaux, near Uzès, until d. 1883
Édouard Henri Roger Verdier, comte de Flaux, château de Flaux, 1883-died 1898
Clémence Pascal Verdier, comtesse douairière de Flaux, château de Flaux, 1898-died 1908
Flaux estate (under arbitration, 1908-10)
Eliane Berger, Roger de Flaux's daughter, 1910-11
offered for sale to MMA and J. Pierpont Morgan through Maurice de Verneuil
J. Pierpont Morgan, New York, 1911-died 1913
his estate, 1913-17
on loan to MMA from April 1912

External links

Metropolitan Museum of Art Accession number 17.190.28

Other works by Hubert Robert

Hubert Robert Project for the Transformation of the Grande Galerie of the Louvre
Project for the Transformation of the Grande Galerie of the Louvre

Hubert Robert The Swing
The Swing

Hubert Robert The Pont du Gard
The Pont du Gard

Hubert Robert Landscape with Ruins
Landscape with Ruins

Hubert Robert Terrace Ruins in a Park
Terrace Ruins in a Park
early 1780s