Gilbert Stuart

William Kerin Constable

Gilbert Stuart - William Kerin Constable

Gilbert Stuart
William Kerin Constable
72.7 x 59.7 cm
Oil on canvas
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Bequest of Richard De Wolfe Brixey, 1943


the sitter's son, William K. Constable, Constableville, New York, died 1821
his son, John Constable, Constableville, New York, died 1887
his nephew's wife, Mrs. William Constable, New York, died 1922
her husband's relative, William Constable, New York, until 1925
Richard De Wolfe Brixey, New York, 1925 -died 1943

External links

Metropolitan Museum of Art Accession number 43.86.2

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