Gilbert Stuart

James Monroe

Gilbert Stuart - James Monroe

Gilbert Stuart
James Monroe
ca. 1820-22
102.2 x 81.3 cm
Oil on canvas
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Bequest of Seth Low, 1916


John Doggett, Boston, 1820-1839
Abel Phillips, Boston, by 1839
Honorable Peter A. Porter, Niagara Falls, New York, 1851-1856
A.B. Douglas, Brooklyn, until 1857
Abiel Abbot Low, Brooklyn, 1857-died 1893
his son, Abiel Augustus Low, Brooklyn
his wife, Mrs. A. Augustus Low
sold to brother-in-law, Seth Low, Brooklyn and Bedford Hills, New York, died 1916
his wife, Mrs. Seth Low, subject to a life estate, died 1929

External links

Metropolitan Museum of Art Accession number 29.89

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