Judith Leyster

Girl with a Coral Necklace

Judith Leyster - Girl with a Coral Necklace

Judith Leyster
Girl with a Coral Necklace
c. 1635
27.5 x 22 cm
Oil on panel
Present whereabouts unknown


Frima Fox Hofrichter, Judith Leyster, Doornspijk, 1989, nr. 36

Other works by Judith Leyster

Judith Leyster Three Children at a Table
Three Children at a Table

Judith Leyster Violinist with a Skull
Violinist with a Skull
c. 1633

Judith Leyster Youthful Musicians
Youthful Musicians

Judith Leyster Portrait of a Boy
Portrait of a Boy
c. 1629-30

Judith Leyster Standing Musicians with a Skull
Standing Musicians with a Skull