Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo

Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist

Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo - Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist

Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo
Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist
242 x 183 mm
Musée du Mont-de-Piété, Bergues

Other works by Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo

Giovanni-Domenico Tiepolo Scenes from ancient Rome
Scenes from ancient Rome

Giovanni-Domenico Tiepolo Scene from ancient Rome
Scene from ancient Rome

Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo A woman, full-length, standing, facing left
A woman, full-length, standing, facing left

Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo The Departure of the Gondola
The Departure of the Gondola

Giandomenico Tiepolo Cleansing of the Temple
Cleansing of the Temple