Gerard Dou - Bather

Gerard Dou
c. 1660/65
25 x 19 cm
Oil on panel
Hermitage, St. Petersburg


Collection catalogues
Colin Eisler, Paintings in the Hermitage, New York, 1990, p. 64

Koenraad Jonckheere, The Auction of King William's Paintings 1713, Amsterdam; Philadelphia, 2008, fig. 53


2017 Dutch Masters from the Hermitage, Nr. 14

Other works by Gerard Dou

Gerard Dou Praying Hermit
Praying Hermit

Gerard Dou The Mousetrap
The Mousetrap
c. 1650

Gerard Dou Astronomer with a Candle
Astronomer with a Candle
c. 1660

Gerard Dou Young Woman in a Niche with a Parrot and Cage
Young Woman in a Niche with a Parrot and Cage
c. 1660-65

Gerard Dou The tooth puller
The tooth puller