Alessandro Allori

Madonna and Child

Alessandro Allori - Madonna and Child

Alessandro Allori
Madonna and Child
129 x 114 cm
Oil on canvas
Hermitage, St. Petersburg


Colin Eisler, Paintings in the Hermitage, New York, 1990, p. 168

Other works by Alessandro Allori

Circle of Alessandro di Cristofano Allori Portrait of a gentleman, half-length, in armour, wearing the Order of Saint Stephen
Portrait of a gentleman, half-length, in armour, wearing the Order of Saint Stephen

Circle of Alessandro di Cristofano Allori Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in a crimson dress
Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in a crimson dress

Alessandro Allori Venus Disarming Cupid
Venus Disarming Cupid

Attributed to Alessandro di Cristofano Allori Portrait of Cosimo I de Medici
Portrait of Cosimo I de Medici

Studio of Alessandro di Cristofano Allori The Last Communion of Mary Magdalen with Saint Benedict
The Last Communion of Mary Magdalen with Saint Benedict