Gerard ter Borch

A Violinist

Gerard ter Borch - A Violinist

Gerard ter Borch
A Violinist
29 x 23.5 cm
Oil on panel
Hermitage, St. Petersburg


Catalogues raisonnés
HdG 138
Gudlaugsson 71

Collection catalogues
Colin Eisler, Paintings in the Hermitage, New York, 1990, p. 497

Other works by Gerard ter Borch

Gerard ter Borch An Officer Writing a Letter
An Officer Writing a Letter
c. 1657-58

Gerard ter Borch Gallant Conversation
Gallant Conversation
c. 1655

Gerard ter Borch Portrait of a Young Lady
Portrait of a Young Lady
c. 1665-70

Gerard ter Borch Two Young Musicians Served by a Page
Two Young Musicians Served by a Page
c. 1657

Gerard ter Borch Woman Wearing White Satin in Front of the Bed with Red Curtains
Woman Wearing White Satin in Front of the Bed with Red Curtains
before 1654