Vincent van Gogh

Farmer Sitting at the Fireside, Reading

Vincent van Gogh - Farmer Sitting at the Fireside, Reading

Vincent van Gogh
Farmer Sitting at the Fireside, Reading
450 x 560 mm
Charcoal, watercolour, heightened with white
Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo


Catalogues raisonnés
F 897
JH 63 info

Collection catalogues
Jaap Bremer and Toos van Kooten (eds.), Vincent van Gogh, 1983, nr. 27 info

Other works by Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh Fisherman with Southwester, Head
Fisherman with Southwester, Head

Vincent van Gogh Girl kneeling by a cradle
Girl kneeling by a cradle

Vincent van Gogh Nude Man, Sitting on a Stool
Nude Man, Sitting on a Stool

Vincent van Gogh Orphan Man with Top Hat, Drinking Coffee
Orphan Man with Top Hat, Drinking Coffee

Vincent van Gogh Composition Sketch of the Ramparts of Paris
Composition Sketch of the Ramparts of Paris