Antonis Mor

The Duke of Alba

Antonis Mor - The Duke of Alba

Antonis Mor
The Duke of Alba
108 x 83.5 cm
Oil on wood
The Hispanic Society of America, New York


Gary Tinterow and Geneviève Lacambre, Manet/Velazquez, New York, New Haven, 2003, fig. 11.3

Other works by Antonis Mor

Antonis Mor Antoine Perrenot, called Granvelle
Antoine Perrenot, called Granvelle

Antonis Mor Queen Mary of England
Queen Mary of England

Antonis Mor and Alsonso Sánchez Coello Alessandro Farnese in Armor
Alessandro Farnese in Armor

Anthonis Mor Sir Thomas Gresham
Sir Thomas Gresham
c. 1560/65

Anthonis Mor Portraits of Anne Fernely
Portraits of Anne Fernely
c. 1560 - c. 1565