Hans Bol

Tree landscape with a view of the Scheldt plain

Hans Bol - Tree landscape with a view of the Scheldt plain

Hans Bol
Tree landscape with a view of the Scheldt plain
Kunsthalle, Hamburg


Mirjam Neumeister unter mitarbeit von Christiane Haeseler, Holländische Gemälde im Städel, Petersberg, 2005, fig. 21

Other works by Hans Bol

Hans Bol Ice Scene near Amsterdam
Ice Scene near Amsterdam

Hans Bol Mountainous Landscape with the Return of Jacob from Canaan
Mountainous Landscape with the Return of Jacob from Canaan
c. 1593

Hans Bol Mercury and Argus
Mercury and Argus

Hans Bol Imaginary landscape with John the Evangelist on Patmos
Imaginary landscape with John the Evangelist on Patmos

Hans Bol View of Amsterdam from the South
View of Amsterdam from the South