Giovanni Bellini

Young Woman at her Toilette

Giovanni Bellini - Young Woman at her Toilette

Giovanni Bellini
Young Woman at her Toilette
62 x 79 cm
Oil on panel
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna


Andreas Prater, Venus at her mirror, Munich; Berlin; London; New York, 2002, p. 21
Frederick Ilchman, Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese, Farnham, England, 2009, fig. 82

External links

Kunsthistorisches Museum Accession number Gemäldegalerie, 97

Other works by Giovanni Bellini

Giovanni Bellini St. Jerome in the Desert
St. Jerome in the Desert
c. 1460

Giovanni Bellini The Madonna of the Meadow
The Madonna of the Meadow
c. 1500

Giovanni Bellini The Feast of the Gods
The Feast of the Gods

Giovanni Bellini The Virgin and Child
The Virgin and Child
c. 1485-88

Giovanni Bellini and workshop Virgin and Child with Saints
Virgin and Child with Saints
c. 1505-08