Vincent van Gogh

Woman with Dark Cap

Vincent van Gogh - Woman with Dark Cap

Vincent van Gogh
Woman with Dark Cap
450 x 265 mm
Pencil, black lithographic chalk, washed with white and black
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam


Catalogues raisonnés
F 1005
JH 292

External links

Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam Accession number d0066V1962

Other works by Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh Potato Market
Potato Market

Vincent van Gogh Peasant Woman, Tossing Hay, Seen from the Back
Peasant Woman, Tossing Hay, Seen from the Back

Vincent van Gogh Fisherman with Sou'wester, Sitting with Pipe
Fisherman with Sou'wester, Sitting with Pipe

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Snowy Landscape with Stooping Woman

Vincent van Gogh Garden of the Asylum with Tree Trunks and a Stone Bench
Garden of the Asylum with Tree Trunks and a Stone Bench