Adriaen Brouwer

Seated Drinkers

Adriaen Brouwer - Seated Drinkers

Adriaen Brouwer
Seated Drinkers
25.5 x 21 cm
Oil on panel
Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Brussels


Collection catalogues
Ivan Gaskell, Seventeenth century Dutch and Flemish painting, London, 1990, p. 202, fig. 1


2018 Adriaen Brouwer. Master of emotions, Nr. 46

Other works by Adriaen Brouwer

Adriaen Brouwer A Fat Man
A Fat Man
c. 1634/36

Adriaen Brouwer Good Friends
Good Friends
c. 1636/38

Adriaen Brouwer The Pancake Baker
The Pancake Baker

Adriaen Brouwer A peasant cutting his thumbnail
A peasant cutting his thumbnail
c. 1630/8

Adriaen Brouwer Dune Landscape
Dune Landscape
c. 1636/38