Thomas de Keyser

Portrait of a Woman

Thomas de Keyser - Portrait of a Woman

Thomas de Keyser
Portrait of a Woman
30 x 25 cm
Oil on panel
Preset whereabouts unknown


Collection catalogues
Ivan Gaskell, Seventeenth century Dutch and Flemish painting, London, 1990, p. 2

Other works by Thomas de Keyser

Thomas de Keyser St. John the Evangelist
St. John the Evangelist

Thomas de Keyser The Virgin Mary
The Virgin Mary

Thomas de Keyser Portrait of a 72 Year Old Man
Portrait of a 72 Year Old Man

Thomas de Keyser Governors of the Amsterdam Silversmiths' Guild (?)
Governors of the Amsterdam Silversmiths' Guild (?)

Thomas de Keyser The Burgomasters of Amsterdam Learn of the Impending Visit of Maria de' Medici
The Burgomasters of Amsterdam Learn of the Impending Visit of Maria de' Medici