Nicolas Poussin

Passage Through the Red Sea

Nicolas Poussin - Passage Through the Red Sea

Nicolas Poussin
Passage Through the Red Sea
in or before 1634
154 x 210 cm
Oil on canvas
Unsigned, undated
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne


Koenraad Jonckheere, The Auction of King William's Paintings 1713, Amsterdam; Philadelphia, 2008, fig. 66


painted for Amadeo dal Pozzo, Marchese di Voghera, Turin, died 1643
Palazzo Voghera, Turin, by 1664
collection of the dal Pozzo family, Turin, by 1674
Philippe, the Chevalier de Lorraine, Paris, by 1684-died 1702
Jean Neyret de la Ravoye, Paris, in 1701
probably Bénigne La Ragois de Bretonvilliers, Paris, in 1710
with Samuel Paris, Paris, 1741, sold to Bouverie
Sir Jacob Bouverie (created Viscount Folkestone in 1747) in 1741
passed to William Bouverie, 1st Earl of Radnor
by descent to Earls of Radnor, by 1932
with Agnew's, sold to National Gallery of Victoria, 1948

Other works by Nicolas Poussin

Nicolas Poussin Esther Before Ahasuerus
Esther Before Ahasuerus

Nicolas Poussin Landscape with Burial of Phocion
Landscape with Burial of Phocion

Nicolas Poussin The Triumph of David
The Triumph of David

Nicolas Poussin Parnassus

Nicolas Poussin Rape of the Sabine Women
Rape of the Sabine Women
probably 1633–34