Adam Willaerts

Embarkation at Margate of the Elector Palatine and Princess Elizabeth

Adam Willaerts - Embarkation at Margate of the Elector Palatine and Princess Elizabeth

Adam Willaerts
Embarkation at Margate of the Elector Palatine and Princess Elizabeth
122 x 197.2 cm
Oil on canvas
Royal Collection, London


Desmond Shawe-Taylor and Quentin Buvelot, Masters of the Everyday, London; Brussels, 2015, fig. 7

Other works by Adam Willaerts

Adam Willaerts The Maas near Den Briel
The Maas near Den Briel

Adam Willaerts The Defeat of the Spanish at Gibraltar by a Dutch Fleet
The Defeat of the Spanish at Gibraltar by a Dutch Fleet

Adam Willaerts Ships off a Coast
Ships off a Coast

Adam Willaerts Ships off a Rocky Coast
Ships off a Rocky Coast

Adam and Abraham Willaerts Fish Sellers at a Beach
Fish Sellers at a Beach