Antoine-Jean Gros

Bonaparte Visiting the Victims of the Plague at Jaffa


Antoine-Jean Gros - Bonaparte Visiting the Victims of the Plague at Jaffa

Antoine-Jean Gros
Bonaparte Visiting the Victims of the Plague at Jaffa
523 x 715 cm
Oil on canvas
Louvre, Paris

Other works by Antoine-Jean Gros

Antoine-Jean Gros Napoleon on the Battlefield at Eylau
Napoleon on the Battlefield at Eylau

Antoine-Jean Gros Napoleon Bonaparte on the Bridge at Arcole
Napoleon Bonaparte on the Bridge at Arcole

Antoine-Jean Gros General Bonaparte reviewing Troops
General Bonaparte reviewing Troops

Antoine-Jean Gros Portrait of the Artist François-Pascal-Simon Gérard
Portrait of the Artist François-Pascal-Simon Gérard
c. 1790

Antoine-Jean Gros Dr. Vignardonne
Dr. Vignardonne