Francesco Guardi

The Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, with the Punta della Giudecca

Francesco Guardi - The Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, with the Punta della Giudecca

Francesco Guardi
The Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, with the Punta della Giudecca
41.3 x 51.3 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Christie's, London, 19 April 2018


(Possibly) Sceriman collection, Venice
(probably) Conte Lodovico Miari de Cumani (born 1872), Venice
with Agnew’s, London, from whom acquired by
Mr and Mrs. Edward W. Carter, Los Angeles, California, from whom acquired by the following
with Agnew’s, London, 1983, from whom acquired by
Jaime Ortiz-Patiño
sale Sotheby’s, New York, 22 May 1992, nr. 44
private collection, Switzerland
with Noortman, London, from whom acquired by the present owners
Sale Christie's, London, 19 April 2018, nr. 62

Other works by Francesco Guardi

Francesco Guardi The Meeting of Pope Pius VI and Doge Paolo Renier at San Giorgio in Alga
The Meeting of Pope Pius VI and Doge Paolo Renier at San Giorgio in Alga

Francesco Guardi The Concert in Honor of Grand Duke Paul and Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna of Russia
The Concert in Honor of Grand Duke Paul and Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna of Russia

Francesco Guardi Pontifical Ceremony in Ss. Giovanni e Paolo
Pontifical Ceremony in Ss. Giovanni e Paolo

Francesco Guardi An architectural capriccio with a man collecting branches and figures by ruins
An architectural capriccio with a man collecting branches and figures by ruins

Francesco Guardi The Fire at San Marcuola
The Fire at San Marcuola
c. 1789-90