Ford Madox Brown

Manfred on the Jungfrau

Ford Madox Brown - Manfred on the Jungfrau

Ford Madox Brown
Manfred on the Jungfrau
140.2 x 115 cm
Oil on canvas
Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester


Bennett A24

Other works by Ford Madox Brown

Ford Madox Brown The Parting of Cordelia and her Sisters
The Parting of Cordelia and her Sisters

Ford Madox Brown Don Juan and Haidee
Don Juan and Haidee

Ford Madox Brown Windermere

Ford Madox Brown Byron's Dream (Byron and Mary Chaworth)
Byron's Dream (Byron and Mary Chaworth)

Ford Madox Brown The Vicar of Wakefield: Dr Primrose and his daughters
The Vicar of Wakefield: Dr Primrose and his daughters