Adriaen de Gryef - Still Life

Adriaen de Gryef
Still Life
10 x 7.5 cm
Oil on copper, mounted on panel
Sale Lempertz, Cologne, 23 September 2015


Private collection, Germany
sale Lempertz, Cologne, 23 September 2015, nr. 21

Other works by Adriaen de Gryef

Adriaen de Gryef Still Life
Still Life

Adriaen de Gryeff A spaniel with dead birds in a landscape
A spaniel with dead birds in a landscape

Attributed to Adriaen de Gryef Dogs fighting over dead game in a landscape
Dogs fighting over dead game in a landscape

Adriaen de Gryef A hunting still life with spaniels guarding a hare, pheasant, finches and songbirds, a landscape with huntsmen and hounds beyond
A hunting still life with spaniels guarding a hare, pheasant, finches and songbirds, a landscape with huntsmen and hounds beyond

Adriaen de Gryeff A kitchen yard still life
A kitchen yard still life