Louis-Léopold Boilly - No Agreement

Louis-Léopold Boilly
No Agreement
31 x 40 cm
Oil on canvas
Private collection


Andrew Carrington Shelton, Ingres, London; New York, 2008, fig. 11

Other works by Louis-Léopold Boilly

Louis-Léopold Boilly Comparing Little Feet
Comparing Little Feet
c. 1791

Louis Leopold Boilly A Game of Billiards
A Game of Billiards

Louis-Léopold Boilly Madame Louis-Julien Gohin, Her Son and Her Stepdaughters
Madame Louis-Julien Gohin, Her Son and Her Stepdaughters
c. 1800-02

Louis-Léopold Boilly Meeting of Artists in the Atelier of Isabey
Meeting of Artists in the Atelier of Isabey

Louis-Léopold Boilly A trompe l'oeil of an ivory and wood crucifix
A trompe l'oeil of an ivory and wood crucifix