Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida

Greek Girls on the Shore

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida - Greek Girls on the Shore

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida
Greek Girls on the Shore
188.5 x 175.5 cm
Oil on canvas
Signed and dated, lower right: J Sorolla / 1895
Sale Sotheby's, London, 6 June 2017


Ulpiano González de Olañeta y González Ocampo, Marquis of Valdeterrazo (1847-1928), commissioned from the artist for 2000 pesetas as a decorative panel for his Madrid residence at 67 Calle Hortaleza
Duquesa viuda de Montpensier y Marquesa de Valdeterrazo, Madrid, thence by descent
acquired by the present owners in 1985
sale (Property from a European Private Collection) Sotheby's, London, 6 June 2017, nr. 11

Other works by Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Girl in the Silver Sea
Girl in the Silver Sea

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Yellow Rose Bush, Sorolla's House
Yellow Rose Bush, Sorolla's House
c. 1920

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Boys on the Beach
Boys on the Beach

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Running along the Beach
Running along the Beach

Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida Just out of the Sea
Just out of the Sea