Matthias Stom

Tobias and the angel

Matthias Stom - Tobias and the angel

Matthias Stom
Tobias and the angel
c. 1630/32
111 x 125 cm
Oil on canvas
Museum Bredius, The Hague


Collection catalogues
Albert Blankert, Museum Bredius, Zwolle; 's-Gravenhage, 1991 - Catnr. 161

Paul Schnabel, Anders gekeken, Zwolle, 2021, fig. 214

Other works by Matthias Stom

Matthias Stom The Supper at Emmaus
The Supper at Emmaus

Matthias Stom Onuphrius

Matthias Stom The arrest of Christ
The arrest of Christ

Matthias Stom Old Woman Praying
Old Woman Praying
late 1630s or early 1640s

Matthias Stom Abraham, Sarah and Hagar
Abraham, Sarah and Hagar