Joseph Siffred Duplessis

Portrait of Christophe Gabriel Allegrain


Joseph Siffred Duplessis - Portrait of Christophe Gabriel Allegrain

Joseph Siffred Duplessis
Portrait of Christophe Gabriel Allegrain
130 x 97 cm
Oil on canvas
Louvre, Paris

Other works by Joseph Siffred Duplessis

Joseph Duplessis Portrait of Louis XVI, King of France
Portrait of Louis XVI, King of France
c. 1777 - c. 1789

Joseph Siffred Duplessis The Young Artist
The Young Artist
c. 1775

Joseph Siffred Duplessis Madam Lenoir
Madam Lenoir

Joseph-Siffred Duplessis Portrait of the Abbé Jourdan, bust-length
Portrait of the Abbé Jourdan, bust-length

Joseph-Siffred Duplessis Portrait of the Architect Louis-François Petit Radel (1740-1818)
Portrait of the Architect Louis-François Petit Radel (1740-1818)