Govert Flinck

The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis

Govert Flinck - The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis

Govert Flinck
The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis
c. 1659
166 x 167 mm
Black chalk, brown wash
Kunsthalle, Hamburg


Margriet van Eikema Hommes en Emilie Froment, 'Een doek van geene beteekenis' De nachtelijke samenzwering van Claudius Civilis in het Schakerbos van Govert Flinck en Jürgen Ovens technisch onderzocht in Oud Holland, 124, 2011 pp. 141-170, fig. 7
Norbert Middelkoop (ed.), Ferdinand Bol and Govert Flinck, Amsterdam, 2017, fig. 145

Other works by Govert Flinck

Govert Flinck Standing Man with Hat and Sword
Standing Man with Hat and Sword

Govert Flinck Landscape with a Pollard Willow
Landscape with a Pollard Willow

Govert Flinck Saint Jerome
Saint Jerome
c. 1635-39

Govert Flinck Seated Female Nude
Seated Female Nude
c. 1647

Govert Flinck Seated Male Nude
Seated Male Nude
c. 1657-59