Ford Madox Brown

Heath Street, Hampstead (The Butcher Boy)

Ford Madox Brown - Heath Street, Hampstead (The Butcher Boy)

Ford Madox Brown
Heath Street, Hampstead (The Butcher Boy)
22.8 x 30.8 cm
Oil over pencil on canvas
Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester


Bennett A59.1

Other works by Ford Madox Brown

Ford Madox Brown William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare

Ford Madox Brown Head of a Girl with a Comb in Her Hair
Head of a Girl with a Comb in Her Hair

Ford Madox Brown Stages of Cruelty
Stages of Cruelty

Ford Madox Brown Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet

Ford Madox Brown Geoffrey Chaucer reading the 'Legend of Custance' to Edward III
Geoffrey Chaucer reading the 'Legend of Custance' to Edward III