Emanuel de Witte

Interior of a Protestant, Gothic Church during a Service

Emanuel de Witte - Interior of a Protestant, Gothic Church during a Service

Emanuel de Witte
Interior of a Protestant, Gothic Church during a Service
44.5 x 33.5 cm
Oil on panel
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam


Sale [seller ‘S’], Amsterdam (P. van der Schley et al.), 28 November 1808 sqq., nr. 67 (‘Twee stuks Gezichten in de Oude Kerk te Amsterdam, rijk met Beelden gestoffeerd […], op Paneel […]. Ieder is hoog 17, breed 14 duim [43.7 x 36 cm]’), fl. 100, bought in
sale, Jonkheer Tjaard Anthony van Iddekinge (1756-1837, Amsterdam), Amsterdam (J. de Vries et al.), 25 April 1838 sqq., nrs. 29, 30 (‘hoog en breed als de vorige [hoog 4 p. 3 d., breed 3 p. 4 d. (43 x 34 cm) Paneel.] Gezigt in dezelfde Kerk [Oude Kerk Amsterdam], gestoffeerd met wandelende beelden, een graf aan hetwelk gewerkt wordt, een hond enz. […]’), fl. 500, fl. 550, to Brondgeest
collection Johan Gijsbert, Baron Verstolk van Soelen (1776-1845), Rotterdam and The Hague
purchased by Thomas Baring (1799-1873) 2nd Baronet of Northbrook, London and Stratton Park, Hampshire, through the mediation of the dealer Albertus Brondgeest, 1846
his nephew, Thomas George Baring (1826-1904), 1st Earl of Northbrook
his son, Francis George Baring (1850-1929), 2nd Earl of Northbrook, London
purchased by the dealer P. and D. Colnaghi, London, between 1929 and July 1931
from whom £ 2,200 to Isaac de Bruijn (1872-1953), Spiez and Muri, near Bern, July 1931
donated to the museum by Isaäc de Bruijn and his wife, Johanna Geertruida de Bruijn- van der Leeuw (1877-1960), Spiez and Muri, near Bern, 1949, but kept in usufruct
transferred to the museum, 1961

External links

RKD 247368
Rijksmuseum Accession number SK-A-4055

Other works by Emanuel de Witte

Emanuel de Witte Interior of a Church
Interior of a Church
c. 1680/85

Emanuel de Witte Interior of a Protestant, Gothic Church, with a Gravedigger in the Choir
Interior of a Protestant, Gothic Church, with a Gravedigger in the Choir

Emanuel de Witte Interior of a Protestant Gothic Church with Motifs from the Oude and Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam
Interior of a Protestant Gothic Church with Motifs from the Oude and Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam
1660 - 1680

Emanuel de Witte The Oude Kerk in Amsterdam during a Service
The Oude Kerk in Amsterdam during a Service

Emanuel de Witte Fish Market at Evening
Fish Market at Evening
c. 1672