Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

La Belle Ferronière (after Leonardo da Vinci)

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres - La Belle Ferronière (after Leonardo da Vinci)

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
La Belle Ferronière (after Leonardo da Vinci)
before 1806
525 x 418 mm
Charcoal on paper
The Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Birmingham


Andrew Carrington Shelton, Ingres, London; New York, 2008, fig. 22

Other works by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres The Painter Prosper Debia
The Painter Prosper Debia

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres The Montagu Sisters
The Montagu Sisters

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres The Lawyer Paul Grand
The Lawyer Paul Grand

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres after Raphael Hope and Charity
Hope and Charity

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Study for The Vow of Louis XIII
Study for The Vow of Louis XIII