Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

Virgil Reading from the Aeneid

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres - Virgil Reading from the Aeneid

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
Virgil Reading from the Aeneid
61 x 49.8 cm
Oil on paper on panel
Sale Christie's, New York, 18 April 2018


The artist
Delphine Ingres, née Ramel (1808-1887), the artist's second wife, by descent, 1867
Albert Ramel, her nephew, by descent
Madame Ramel, his wife, by descent
Emmanuel Riant, her son-in-law, by descent
Marquis de Salverte
anonymous sale, Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 24 December 1952, nr. 101, as Virgile lisant l'Enéide devant Alexandre, ou, 'Tu Marcellus eris'
with Wildenstein & Co. Inc., New York, acquired at the above sale
acquired directly from the above by the present owner, 1969
sale (Property of La Salle University) Christie's, New York, 18 April 2018, nr. 31

Other works by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Madame Riviêre
Madame Riviêre

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Antiochus and Stratonice
Antiochus and Stratonice

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Raphael and the Formarina
Raphael and the Formarina

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Caroline Murat, Queen of Naples
Caroline Murat, Queen of Naples

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Madame de Semonnes
Madame de Semonnes